All I said was "I need my hair cutting badly".
So there I was with a little bit of matting. Try Botox, the hairdresser said. Since I wasn't paying, I jumped at the chance to get some extra pampering. It beats having your glands done, trust me!!!
Join me, Tibby, as I navigate the world of the Internet. Despite what my name might suggest, I’m not a cat (you can blame my owners for that), but I am a Tibetan Terrier. My owner gave me my own email address and access to the internet. On this site, I share experiences and comment on how the world of Specifically Purposed Advertising Material or what I’ve called SPAM for short, makes assumptions and ludicrous suggestions on how to live my life. Make sure you read the most recent emails I received a dog!
15 Feb 2025 10:22
So there I was with a little bit of matting. Try Botox, the hairdresser said. Since I wasn't paying, I jumped at the chance to get some extra pampering. It beats having your glands done, trust me!!!
7 Feb 2025 16:27
I am out taking my owner for a walk. Who should I see but my old friend? She's pretty tiny, really, pocket-sized, in fact, and her owners have decided to call her by what many think is a common name for a dog. When asked, her owners proudly announce she's called "FIDO"; that's very original, say most. Yes, "FYDOUGH is not that common, really", they reply, smugly pointing at her tag. Fy, as we call her, gets into all sorts of trouble since her people brought a cat into the house. For a laugh, she started copycatting. That was fine when only the cat saw and was outraged, but Fy got spotted, and the next thing she knew, she was performing on TikTok and reported in the News!
31 Jan 2025 16:52
How Simon saved a dog’s life: We’d just finished a training exercise when our pagers went off. A family cut off by the tide. It was only when we got close that we saw Olive the dog. She was limp, cold and lifeless. Her eyes were waxy and she wasn’t breathing. Tibby, I’ve been crew at Wells for 7 years and have lots of stories to tell. But never one like this. I’m a nurse and a crew member so I’ve resuscitated people, but never a dog before. I treated her like I would a child. I’d been doing chest compressions for about 90 seconds when OIive started to respond. To begin with she was breathing very slowly, but we were so relieved there were signs of life. It was an anxious 5-minute journey back to the boathouse. It was only afterwards when Olive and her young family were able to walk out of the lifeboat station, that the crew had a cup of tea and realised what we had just done. It wasn’t what we expected to do that morning. It was a fantastic team effort from everyone at the lifeboat station.It would have been a terrible end to the family's holiday if they had lost Olive. That’s why your support is so important. The lifeboats, equipment and training you fund keeps families together. Tibby, I hope you’re proud to be a part of that.
24 Jan 2025 22:26
Dear Friends at Animal Country Club,I have just taken a frantic call on my personal 'dog and bone' here in my kennel from my owners.
17 Jan 2025 17:40
Just been chatting with my good friends at Wood Farm Animal Country Club. Sent them an email about staying:
17 Jan 2025 16:55
Just want to start by saying a big thank you to Ellas.Dogs for such a lovely chalk picture of me. If your two legged friend would like a picture of you why don’t you (or your human) DM her on Instagram. Ella is such a talented artist and has created the most amazing images of lots of dogs, and even some cats!!!!
I try to put a lighter side to the use of email and spam which constantly impacts the life of my owner and his friends and family. Of course as a dog I have a monochrome view of the world. I often ask the questions no self respecting human would ever utter. I hope you enjoy the anecdotes and tails (don’t hang around there too long, it’s not appropriate in polite company)! If you enjoy my take on life share it with others. If not, that’s fine, let’s face it we dogs have some strange habits anyway, so who are we to judge!